the Services , and if the Customer does not give consent for the processing of such informaon,
his/her use of the relevant Services may be restricted:
● Informaon on membership registraon: Name, email address, Password ;
● Informaon on membership registraon of a minor under 14: Name, contact informaon of
his/her legal representave;
● Informaon on the use of the paid Services : Informaon on the purchase of the Services and
on membership subscripon;
● Informaon on the parcipaon in events and promoonal acvies: Name, email address;
● Informaon for the provision of the Services : OS informaon that may serve to idenfy
devices, hardware informaon, Android ID, Apple ID, Google Adversing ID, adversing data;
● Informaon generated automacally during the use of the Services : IP address, access
record, record on the use of the Services , crash log, diagnosis informaon, performance data
(applicaon use me, non-response rate, energy use), product interacon, cookies; and
● Informaon uploaded or provided to the Company by the Customers during the use of the
Services : Contents such as pictures or videos uploaded by the Customers , including profile
pictures, metadata related to or included in the uploaded contents, such as filming me and
date, locaon, file creaon date, etc.
(2) The Company may use the YouTube API services to ensure that the Customer can upload the
Customer-Created Work to YouTube easily and conveniently. The Company shall not collect, access,
or share with a third party, the Personal Informaon of the Customer via the YouTube API services.
The Customer ’s use of, or his/her access to, the YouTube services shall be governed by the terms of
service of YouTube and the privacy policy of Google .
(3) The Company may also use the Google API services, including Google Sign-In and Google Drive
API. The Company shall not collect, access, or share with a third party, the Personal Informaon of
the Customer via the Google API services. In addion, the Company shall use informaon received
from Google API in compliance with the limitaons applicable to the use of such informaon, as well
as the terms of service of Google API and the user data policy of the Google API services .
(4) In principle, the Company does not collect the Personal Informaon of a Minor Customer . When
it is inevitable for the Company to collect the Personal Informaon of a Minor Customer for such
Customer ’s use of the Services , it shall do so with prior consent of the legal representave of the
Minor Customer and destroy the Personal Informaon collected once required work has been
completed and ensure to process and handle such Personal Informaon pursuant to this Privacy
Policy while the work is performed.
Article 4 (Purpose of Personal Information Processing)
The Company shall use the Personal Informaon collected for the following purposes:
● To confirm a Customer ’s intenon to use the Services and provide and recommend the
opmized and customized Services to the Customer ;
● To improve the exisng Services and develop new services;
● To analyze, and compile stascal data, on the use of the Services ;
● To ensure the stability in the operaon of the Services , prevent bad Customers , protect
accounts and restrict violaons of laws or the Company ’s Terms of Use ;
● To prevent the abuses of the Services, illegal acvies in the Services and damage to the
Company and third pares due to such abuses and illegal acvies;
● To provide events and promoonal acvies and informaon related thereto;