(1) The Company holds all intellectual property rights required in the process of providin
g the Service and the Service itself.
(2) In connection with the Service, the Company grants only the right to use the Service,
account, ID, nickname, etc. to the User according to these Terms, and the User shall not
transfer, sell, or pledge the foregoing right.
(3) Except as otherwise permitted by these Terms, the User shall not use or allow any thi
rd party to use the information obtained by the Company, in which intellectual property ri
ghts belong to the Company, by duplication, transmission, publication, distribution, broad
casting, or other means without prior consent from the Company.
(4) The User shall not remove copyright, trademark, and watermark included in the Servi
ce and the User Created Work without prior approval from the Company.
(5) The Company reserves all rights not expressly granted to the User. The Company ma
y grant a limited license to use, download, access, etc. any part of the Service in a non-c
ommercial and personal manner if the User meets our membership requirements.
(6) The Company reserves the right to remove any content uploaded by the User if the c
ontent does not meet our User Guidelines and/or infringes a third party’s intellectual pro
perty (such as patent, trademark, copyright, etc.). While the Company will remove any inf
ringing content within a reasonable time, the User will be held responsible to that intelle
ctual property owner. Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the
exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, which may be in a literary, artistic, edu
cational, or musical form. The User owns the contents created by the User, including the
User Created Work. However, to use our Service, the Company requires the content-gen
erating User to grant rights, such as licensing, to the Company. For example, the content
-generating User grants a royalty-free, non-exclusive license for the Company to use tha
t generated content. Said license may be further transferable and may be sublicensed to
other entities at the discretion of the Company. Further, said license to the Company doe
s not have geographical limits. Said license also includes the Company’s right to profit fr
om the content. However, this does not mean that the User will be entitled to a payment
as this license is a royalty-free license. This license may terminate after a reasonable pe
riod of time from the generated content’s removal from the Service. The copy of the gene
rated content may not be distributed, displayed, or shared but may be retained by the Co
mpany for a certain reasonable period of time.
(7) The content-generating User also grants other Users (either content-generating or n
on-generating User) the license so that other Users may freely share, playback, or the lik
e. The Company does not address intellectual property disputes between Users and if thi
s is the case, the individual User should retain their own attorney. The Company will mak
e reasonable efforts to take down the content infringing intellectual property and suspen
d or terminate the account associated with that infringing User.
9. Service Provision and Modification
(1) The Company may not transfer or sublicense the Service to the User and provides a n
on-exclusive use right.
(2) Unless otherwise specified in these Terms, the User is free to create the User Create
d Work by using the Service.