● Content that includes devices that funconally aid sexual acts, sexual guides, non-consensual sexual
themes, feshes, or content that depicts them.
● Content that includes obscenity or profanity.
● Content that depicts, describes, or promotes sexual acts with animals.
● Content that promotes sexual entertainment, solicitaon of prostuon, or services that can be interpreted
as providing sexual acts in exchange for compensaon.
● Content that promotes meeng or solicitaon of prostuon with the expectaon or implicaon of
providing cash, gis, or financial support to the other party.
1.4. Expression of Hate
Content that promotes violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on characteriscs that can include but
are not limited to race, religion, sexual orientaon, gender, ethnicity/race, disability, naonality, or other aributes
that may lead to exclusion, is not allowed. The following content is not permied:
● Content or speech that claims that protected groups are subhuman, inferior, or worthy of hate.
● Content that includes hate speech, prejudice, or theories claiming negave traits of protected groups, or
explicitly or implicitly claims that these groups are threatening.
● Content that encourages others to hate or discriminate against specific individuals because they belong to a
protected group.
● Content that displays symbols of hate, such as flags, emblems, banners, or paraphernalia, or promotes
acons associated with hate groups.
1.5. Sensive Events
Content that does not appropriately handle natural disasters, gruesome acts, health crises, physical conflicts,
deceased or tragic events cannot be posted. Sensive content related to such events is generally allowed when it has
educaonal, documentary, educaonal, or arsc value or aims to inform and raise awareness among users about
sensive issues. The following types of content are not allowed:
● Content that is insensive and rude to the emoons of others regarding the death of actual individuals or
groups due to suicide, drug overdose, natural causes, and others.
● Content that denies tragic significant events.
● Content that exploits tragic events without clear benefits to the vicms.
1.6. Harassment and Cyberbullying
Content that includes or promotes threats, harassment, or bullying is not allowed to be posted. The following types of
content are not allowed:
● Content that harasses vicms of internaonal or religious conflicts.
● Content that seeks to exploit others, including coercion and threats.