EN: Terms of Service
Last Updated: November 14, 2024
Effective from November 21, 2024
Updates to the Terms of Service Effective April 10, 2025
The following changes have been added to the new Terms of Service :
Strengthened policies prohibiting the upload or sharing of Member-Provided Work that
infringes others' rights, including copyright, and banning AI-generated content that
impersonates others for fraudulent purposes. See Article 12 . Section (2) .
Introduction of the DMCA Takedown Request Procedure , allowing users to request the
removal of unauthorized use of their content. See Article 14 .
Clarification that the invalidity of a specific term does not affect the validity of the entire
Terms of Service. See Article 23. Severability .
Minors under 14 must have a legal guardian’s consent to agree to the Terms of Service and
use the services. See Article 6 . Section (6) .
For full details, visit the New Terms of Service document .
, AI
DMCA Takedown Request
Terms of Service
These general terms and conditions for the use of services (“ Terms of Use ”) are stipulated between
KineMaster Corporation or its affiliates (the “ Company ”) and a customer who uses the Services (as
defined below) provided by the Company (the “ Customer ”).
1. Purpose
The purpose of these Terms of Use is to set forth rights, obligations, responsibilities and other
necessary matters between the Customer and the Company in connection with his/her use of the
Services (as defined below) provided by the Company .
2. Definitions
The terms used herein shall be defined as follows:
(1) “ Services ” means all services provided by the Company , including all websites, applications (e.g.,
KineMaster, Spring and AniToon), products, contents, etc. of the Company ;
(2) “ Free Services ” means the services provided free of charge by the Company ;
(3) “ Premium Services ” means the paid-for services provided by the Company , excluding the Paid
Assets (as defined below);
(4) “ Asset(s) ” means videos, audios (music, sound effect), images, effects, stickers, clip graphics,
transitions, fonts, filters, plug-ins, etc. provided by the Services ;
(5) “ Paid Asset(s) ” means the paid-for Assets provided individually by the Company separate from
the Premium Services ;
(6) “ Member ” means a Customer who signs up to the Services through membership registration
procedures offered by the Company ;
(7) “ Non-Member ” means a Customer who is not a Member ;
(8) “ ID ” means an email address that is designated by a Customer and approved by the Company for
the identification of the Customer and his/her use of the Services ;
(9) “ Password ” means a combination of letters and/or numbers designated by a Customer to identify
himself/herself as the Customer via the ID granted to him/her to protect his/her rights and interests;
(10) “ Original Content ” means photographs, videos, sounds, plug-ins, and other material that are not
provided within the Services , and are used by a Customer with the Services under his/her
(11) “ Project(s) ” means a work describing the arrangement and composition and behavior of
Original Content and Assets ;
(12) “ Template(s) ” means a Project processed and packaged into a specified form for sharing with
other Customers ;
(13) “ Customer-Created Work ” means content created by a Customer through the editing of his/her
Original Content with Assets , and subsequently storing the edited composition while using the
Services ;
(14) “ Member-Provided Work ” means Original Content or Customer-Created Work that a Member
uploads to the Services , consenting to share it with the Company and other Members ;
(15) “ Privacy Policy ” means the document detailing the Company s practices regarding the
collection, use, and protection of personal information, available on the Company 's homepage via
the link ; and
(16) “ Content Guidelines ” means the rules and standards set by the Company regarding acceptable
content created and shared through the Services , available on the Company 's homepage via the link .
3. Terms of Use ; Consent to the Terms of Use
(1) The Customer shall use the Services pursuant to the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use .
(2) If the Customer refuses to consent to these Terms of Use , he/she shall not access or use the
Services .
(3) To use the Services , the Customer shall comply with Company s separate terms of use, policies
and guidelines(the “ Separate Provisions ”), including but not limited to the Privacy Policy and the
Content Guidelines . In the event of any discrepancy between the Separate Provisions and these
Terms of Use , the Separate Provisions shall prevail.
(4) The Company shall make these Terms of Use and the Separate Provisions available on its
homepage, and provide direct links within the Services to ensure easy access for the Customer .
(5) Matters not stipulated herein or the interpretation of these Terms of Use shall be governed by
the Separate Provisions and the applicable laws, including the Act on the Regulation of Terms and
Conditions, Framework Act on Telecommunications, and Act on Promotion of Information and
Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc., or commercial practices.
4. Amendment of Terms of Use
(1) The Company may amend these Terms of Use to the extent such amendment is not in violation of
the applicable laws, including the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, Framework Act on
Telecommunications, Telecommunications Business Act, Act on Promotion of Information and
Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc., and Protection of
Communications Secrets Act.
(2) If the Company amends these Terms of Use , the amendment shall be announced on the
homepage of the Services , indicating the effective date of, and the reason for such amendment, with
the current Terms of Use , from seven (7) days before the effective date until the date preceding the
effective date of the amended Terms of Use ; provided, however, that any amendment unfavorable to
the Customer shall be separately notified in advance via electronic means, including email, in-app
message or push notification, and such amendment shall become effective thirty (30) days after the
date of such notice at the earliest; further provided, however, that if the Company cannot give a
separate notice to the Customer due to the Customer s failure to provide or to update his/her
contact information, an announcement made pursuant to Article 20 of these Terms of Use shall be
deemed as a separate notice to the Customer under this paragraph. In addition, any amendment
concerning a new function of the Services for the convenience of the Customer or due to legal
reasons may become effective immediately.
(3) The Customer shall deem to have consented to the amendment of these Terms of Use if he/she
fails to explicitly refuse to give consent within the announcement or notification period set forth
under the preceding paragraph despite the Company having clearly indicated in its announcement or
notification that the Customer s failure to express his/her intent to refuse will be deemed as an
expression of his/her consent.
5. Member Registration
(1) The Customer shall be required to sign up to the Services as a Member and create an account to
use some of the Services . A person who desires to become a Member (the “ Applicant ”) shall give
his/her consent to these Terms of Use and a separate Privacy Policy and apply for membership
registration, and the registration will be completed upon the Company s acceptance of the
(2) The Company shall accept an Applicant s application for membership registration; provided,
however, that the Company may refuse an Applicant s application, or cancel or terminate a
membership in the following cases:
If an Applicant s membership has previously been canceled pursuant to these Terms of Use ,
except where the Company accepted his/her application for re-registration;
If an Applicant provides false information or fails to provide information requested by the
Company ;
If a minor under 14 signs up or is arbitrarily signed-up to the Services as a Member without
the consent of his/her legal representative (e.g., parent, etc.) and the Company s approval of
such consent (in principle, the Company does not permit a membership registration by a
minor under 14); or
If an application cannot be granted due to a reason attributable to the Applicant , or an
application is filed in violation of applicable rules or regulations.
(3) The Company may withhold its decision to grant a membership application due to the lack of
capacities for the Services or for other technical or business issues.
6. Modification of Member Information
(1) A Member may access and modify his/her personal information at any time on the
personal-information management page; provided, however, that the ID , etc., required for the
management of the Services shall not be modified.
(2) If there is any change to the information provided during the membership-registration process,
the Member shall update the information online or notify the Company of such change by email,
(3) The Company shall not be liable for any harm caused to a Member due to his/her failure to notify
the changes to the Company pursuant to Paragraph (2) above.
7. Member ’s Obligation to Manage ID and Password
(1) A Member shall be responsible for managing his/her ID and Password and shall not allow any
third party to use them.
(2) If there is a potential risk of a Member s ID causing the leakage of personal information, or may
be misunderstood as the ID of the Company or its operator, or is contrary to public policy or good
morals, the Company may restrict the use of such ID .
(3) If a Member becomes aware of the theft or a third partys use, of his/her ID and Password ,
he/she shall immediately notify the Company and follow its instructions.
(4) The Company shall not be liable for any harm caused to a Member due to his/her failure to give a
notice to the Company or to follow its instructions pursuant to Paragraph (3) above.
8. Conversion to Dormant Accounts
(1) If a Member does not log in to the Services for 12 consecutive months, it will be deemed that
such Member is unable to perform its activities as a Member , and his/her account shall be converted
to a dormant account to protect the Member information and to efficiently operate the Services .
(2) Once an account is converted to a dormant account, all related account and personal information
shall be stored in a separate database.
(3) Even if a Member s account becomes dormant, he/she may reactivate his/her account through a
simple identification process, including logging in to the account.
(4) If there is no record of login or activity for one year after his/her account becomes dormant,
his/her membership may be automatically canceled without separate notice to the Member , and
such automatic membership cancellation shall be governed by Article 16 of these Terms of Use .
9. Intellectual Property Rights
(1) The Company shall have the rights to all intellectual property rights in the Services and those
required to provide the Services .
(2) In connection with the Services , the Company shall only grant to the Customer a right to use the
Services and his/her account, ID , nickname, etc., pursuant to the Terms of Use stipulated by the
Company , and the Customer shall not assign, sell, or dispose of such rights, including by furnishing
such rights as collateral, etc.
(3) Unless otherwise permitted herein, a Customer shall not copy, transmit, publish, distribute,
broadcast or otherwise use, or allow a third party to use, information he/she obtains by using the
Services without the prior consent of the Company to the extent the intellectual property rights in
such information are vested in the Company ; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply
to the Customer s Customer-Created Work , and the Customer s rights and obligations related to
his/her Customer-Created Work are set forth under Articles 10 and 11 of these Terms of Use .
(4) The Customer shall not remove any indication of a copyright, trademark right or watermark
included in the Services or in the Customer-Created Work without the prior consent of the
Company .
(5) The Company shall not provide or guarantee any right or grant license on recordings of sound
sources, music contents included in such recordings, or copyrights that can be used from or through
the Services , to the Customer , or be liable for any problem caused by the Customer s unauthorized
use of musical works of third parties, including the other Customers .
10. Provision and Change of the Services
(1) The Company shall grant the Customer a non-assignable, non-sublicensable, and non-exclusive
license to use the Services .
(2) Unless otherwise provided herein, a Customer may freely create and use the Customer-Created
Work by using the Services .
(3) The Premium Services provided by the Company are as follows:
Services that are indicated as ‘premium functions’;
Removal of the watermark from the Customer-Created Work ;
Removal of advertisements; and
Download of the Assets indicated as ‘premium’ in the asset store.
Access to KineCloud storage space provided for the Premium Services .
(4) The Services shall be provided year-round 24/7.
(5) The Company may temporarily suspend the Services due to maintenance, inspection,
replacement or breakdown of its information and telecommunications equipment/facilities,
including computers, communication interruptions, or for other significant operational reasons.
(6) The Company may conduct a regular inspection of the Services if such inspection is required for
the provision of the Services , and the time of such inspection shall be announced on the homepage
of the Services .
(7) The Company may change all or any part of the Services it provides according to its operational
or technological needs if there are reasonable grounds for such change.
(8) If there is any material change in the method, scope or time in the use of the paid Services that is
unfavorable to the Customer , the Company shall announce on the homepage of the Services the
reason and details of such change, and the date on which the change becomes effective before the
change is made; provided, however, that such change may be announced after the change is made if
the Company is unable to make an announcement before the change is made for unavoidable
(9) The Company may revise, suspend the provision of, or change all or any part of the Free Services
according to its policy or operational needs and shall not separately compensate for any damage
suffered by the Customer due to such revision, etc., unless otherwise stipulated in the applicable
11. Restriction on the Use of Services
The Customer is prohibited from performing the following acts in connection with his/her use of the
Services :
To use the Services without giving consent to these Terms of Use or without having the legal
capacity to consent to these Terms of Use ;
To delete the watermark on the Customer-Created Work or the Member-Provided Work or
to obstruct the visual exposure of such watermark;
To use an Asset for any purpose other than the creation of the Customer-Created Work or
the Member-Provided Work ;
To use an Asset beyond the scope of the license specified in the description of the Asset ;
To use any part of an Asset in a trademark, logo, service mark or design mark of the
Customer or a third party;
To assign, share, sublicense or resell any part of the Services to a third party;
To integrate any part of the Services into another program or product; or
To create a Customer-Created Work or a Member-Provided Work that contains sexually
explicit expressions, expressions that discriminate against race, nationality, belief, gender,
etc., that encourages or incites suicide, self-inflicted injury or drug abuse, or that intends to
impersonate or falsify another person’s identity, or any other antisocial contents, causing
displeasure to other people.
12. Member-Provided Work
(1) The Member may upload Original Content and Customer-Created Work , in formats including but
not limited to images, videos, audios, animations, effects, and Projects , to the Services in accordance
with the procedures and rules set by the Company in order to provide them to the Company or
other Members .
(2) The Customer hereby represents and warrants the following with respect to the
Member-Provided Work :
The uploading, use, storage, reproduction, modification, public transmission, display,
distribution, and creation of any derivative work, of the Member-Provided Work does not
infringe any third partys rights, including the portrait right, right of reputation, moral right
and intellectual property right (for example, a full movie or season of a TV show shall not be
uploaded to the Services ), or violate any laws, including the Copyright Act, Trademark Act,
Personal Information Protection Act and Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising;
The Member is a rights-holder legally authorized to grant the uploading, use, storage,
reproduction, modification, public transmission, display, distribution, and creation of any
derivative work, of the Member-Provided Work ;
There is no pending lawsuit, application or other judicial or administrative proceedings that
may directly or indirectly affect the uploading, use, storage, reproduction, modification,
public transmission, display, distribution, and creation of any derivative work, of the
Member-Provided Work or affect the Customer s rights or power related to such uploading,
etc., of the Member-Provided Work ;
If the Member-Provided Work contains any design element, font, clip art, vector or brush
tool included in a design program or is integrated in any way into a design program, the
Member confirms that the uploading or provision of such Member-Provided Work to the
Services does not violate the Member s end-user license agreement, general terms and
conditions for services, etc., and the Member shall also grant to the Company the rights
he/she acquires under the end-user license agreement, general terms and conditions for
services or license on the relevant program and the right to sublicense with respect to the
Member-Provided Work ;
The contents and other information contained in the Member-Provided Work is not obscene
or damaging to the reputation of another person, or include trade secrets or any other
confidential information of another person, or contain illegal contents, including those
causing displeasure to other people against social norms, or promote illegal acts; and
The contents and other information contained in the Member-Provided Work is true and
shall not be false to the knowledge of the Customer .
(3) Once the Member-Provided Work is uploaded to the Services by the Member , it may be exposed
on the main page or store page offered in the Services , may be used for promotion of the Company s
Services and may be used in the creation of additional Customer-Created Work by other Members
through the Services . The Member shall grant the Company for royalty or royalty free, worldwide
license and the right of agency to permit the use of the Member-Provided Work , within the scope
necessary, through the use, storage, reproduction, modification, public transmission, display,
distribution, and creation of any derivative work, and to grant such rights to the Member-Provided
Work to other Members .
(4) The Member may extract and use all or any part of the Member-Provided Work created and
uploaded by another Member to create additional Customer-Created Work by combining, deploying
and/or using the Member-Provided Work created and uploaded by other Members . In such case,
the Company may use the Member-Provided Work within the scope of license and right of agency
granted by the Member , through the use, storage, reproduction, modification, public transmission,
display, distribution, and creation of any derivative work, and shall grant other Members royalty-free
or for royalty, a non-assignable and non-sublicensable right to use such Member-Provided Work .
However, Member-Provided Work offered as Assets may only be used by Customers for the purpose
of creating Customer-Created Work or Member-Provided Work through the Services and may not
be extracted, in whole or in part, for use with any applications or services outside the Services .
(5) The Member may delete, keep undisclosed, or restrict disclosure of his/her Member-Provided
Work , any time via the customer center or management functions offered in the Services ; provided
that, such actions are limited to the use of the Member-Provided Work within the Services and does
not deal with other Members ’ use outside the Services . The Member may not assert copyright
against other Member s use of the Member-Provided Work before the above actions restricting
access to the Member-Provided Work have been taken.
(6) Once the Member deletes the Member-Provided Work , the provision of such Member-Provided
Work to other Members shall be suspended immediately. A backup copy of the deleted
Member-Provided Work may be kept in the server undisclosed for a reasonable time period (up to
ninety (90) days from the deletion of the Work); provided, however, that if required under the
applicable laws or an order, etc., of administrative or judicial authorities, the Company may keep
such Member-Provided Work in its server undisclosed within the scope necessary to satisfy such
(7) The Company may permanently or temporarily suspend the provision of the Member-Provided
Work to the Members . In addition, the Company may set limits on the use and storage of the
Member-Provided Work , including the size or length of a message, video, image and other contents
contained therein. In this case, the Company shall give prior notice to the Members regarding the
suspension of the provision of the Member-Provided Work or the setting of the limits on the use
and storage of the Member-Provided Work .
(8) If the Company determines that certain Member-Provided Work violates these Terms of Use,
Privacy Policy, Content Guidelines or applicable law or infringes the right of a third party, it may take
necessary measures, such as deleting or limiting disclosure of the relevant Member-Provided Work
from the Services , without giving prior notice to the Member . In such case, the Company shall notify
the measure taken and the reason for taking such measure to the Member immediately after such
measure is taken; provided, however, that if the Member determines that the Company s deletion of
the Work is unreasonable, he/she may file an objection with the Company in accordance with the
Company s objection procedures, and if the Company determines that the Member s objection is
reasonable, it shall restore the relevant Member-Provided Work .
(9) Even if the uploaded Member-Provided Work is acknowledged to have contributed to the
Company 's revenue generation, the Company is not obligated to compensate the Members who
provided such content.
(10) The Company shall not be liable for any violation of law or infringement of the right of a third
party caused by the Member-Provided Work uploaded by the Member .
(11) To promote the engagement of its Services , the Company may feature certain
Member-Provided Work on the Services ’ main page or recommended lists, increasing visibility to a
broader audience. However, such curation is entirely at the Company 's discretion, and Members may
not object to these decisions. Additionally, the Company may designate certain Members who
actively support the Services , simplifying the upload and publishing process for their
Member-Provided Work , adding badges (visual indicators displayed on a Member 's profile photo to
signify special roles, privileges, or achievements), or featuring their Member-Provided Work more
frequently on main page or recommended lists. The selection, duration, and benefits for designated
Members are fully determined by the Company , with no right for Members to object to these
13. KineCloud Service
(1) KineCloud Service
The Member may be granted access to limited KineCloud storage space provided by the
Company for free at the Company s discretion;
If the Member is eligible for the Premium Services , he/she is allowed to access the limited
KineCloud storage space provided by the Company for the Premium Services ;
The storage capacity of the KineCloud allocated to the Member may vary depending on the
relevant service plan applicable to the Members , including, but not limited to, the Premium
Services plan he/she subscribes to;
The storage capacity allocated to the purchased Premium Services plan is displayed on the
relevant Premium Services description page, or at the time of purchase;
The Member must not use the storage space beyond the allocated capacity;
If the Member chooses not to renew the subscription after the current subscription is
canceled and expires, the KineCloud storage capacity will either be eliminated or
downgraded to the storage capacity set by the Company for the Member ;
The Member acknowledges and agrees that the Company has no obligation to provide
KineCloud storage space free of charge, nor is it to continue providing such space if ever did;
The Company will make commercially reasonable efforts to notify the Member in advance if
the applicable KineCloud storage capacity reduced or unavailable for use;
If the KineCloud service provided by the Company expires, the Member must transfer and
backup the content (including but not limited to drafts, photos, videos, Projects , and other
materials) stored in the KineCloud space provided on the platform within the time limit
notified by the Company before expiration;
If the storage capacity is downgraded, the Member must ensure that the content he/she
stores does not exceed the available storage capacity.
(2) Storage Capacity for KineCloud
The Member must comply with the requirements and limitations of using the KineCloud
storage service (e.g., file type limitations, format limitations, size limitations);
If the Member 's use violates these Terms of Use , applicable laws, or regulations, the
Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Member 's access to the service or
take appropriate measures, such as deleting the Member 's content that exceeds the allowed
storage capacity or does not comply with the rules;
Within the scope permitted by applicable law, the Company shall not be liable for any loss of
content or data stored using the KineCloud storage function.
14. Purchase and Payment
(1) If the Customer purchases products provided by the Company , including the Premium Services
and the Paid Assets , through a sales agency or payment processing company (such as Google Play,
Apple App Store, etc.), the payment to such sales agency or payment processing company shall be
governed by a contract between the Customer and the relevant sales agency or payment processing
company, and the Company shall not be a party to, or be liable for, such contract. If the Customer
has any complaint or issue about a sales agency or payment processing company, he/she shall
promptly contact the customer support team of such sales agency or payment processing company
for such complaint or issue.
(2) As the Services provided by the Company constitute digital contents under Article 2.5 of the
Framework Act on the Promotion of Cultural Industries, payments made for the purchase of the
Premium Services or the Paid Assets shall not be refunded to the Customer pursuant to Article
17(2).5 of the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc. In order to protect the
rights of the Customer , the Company provides the Customer with Free Services and information
about the Company s Services in order to comply with the requirement under Article 21-2 of the
Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc. to ‘permit
partial use’ of the service and ‘provide digital contents on a trial-basis.
15. Provision of Information and Advertising
(1) The Company may provide the Customer with various information deemed necessary for the
Customer to use the Services through different means, including announcement, in-app message
and push notification; provided, however, that the Customer may refuse to receive such push
notification anytime, except for the push notifications providing transaction-related information
under applicable laws or an answer to the Customer s inquiry, etc.
(2) The Company may insert advertisements in the page of the Services , homepage of its official
website, etc. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the Customer s
participation in promotional activities of an advertiser or the Customer s transaction in connection
(3) The Company may include or recommend a link to a website, service or product of a third party
as part of the Services or in connection therewith. The Company shall not be liable for any direct or
indirect losses or damages that have been, or are presumed to have been, incurred in connection
with such website, etc.
16. Termination of Service and Cancellation of Membership
(1) If the Customer no longer desires to use the Services provided by the Company , he/she may
terminate the membership for the Services anytime by giving notice to the Company .
(2) Once the Customer s membership has been terminated pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the
authorization to use the Services granted to the Customer shall be fully withdrawn, and the
Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by such withdrawal; provided, however, that the
foregoing shall not apply where the membership was terminated due to the willful misconduct or
negligence of the Company .
(3) The Member may delete his/her account to cancel his/her membership directly in the Service , or
may send an email to the email address below anytime to file an application for the cancellation of
his/her membership with the Company , and the Company shall promptly process such application in
accordance with the applicable laws, etc.:
(4) Upon the Member s application for the cancellation of his/her membership, except to the extent
that the Company is required to keep the Customer s information under the applicable laws and its
Privacy Policy , the Company shall immediately delete all personal information of the Customer in a
way that it cannot be restored.
(5) Even if the Member cancels his/her membership, these Terms of Use shall continue to apply to
the Customer-Created Work and the Member-Provided Work created by him/her before the
cancellation of the membership even after the cancellation of the membership.
17. Refusal to Provide Services
(1) The Company may terminate the Services by giving notice of the reason for such termination by
email, telephone or any other means, if any of the following events occur:
If a Customer infringed a third party’s right in violation of these Terms of Use , Privacy Policy ,
or Content Guidelines, or used the Services in clear violation of the law; or
If a Customer intentionally or negligently obstructed the normal operation of the Services .
(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, in the event of a violation of an applicable law by the
Customer , including the illegal use of the name or payment means of another person in violation of
the Resident Registration Act, provision of an illegal program and obstruction of operation in
violation of the Copyright Act, or illegal communication, hacking, distribution of malicious programs
or excessive right of access in violation of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications
Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc., the Company may immediately and
permanently suspend the Customer s use of the Services and demand he/she compensate for the
relevant damages.
(3) Upon the termination of the Services under this Article, the authorization to use the Services
shall be fully withdrawn, and the Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by such
withdrawal; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply where the Services were
terminated due to the wilful misconduct or negligence of the Company .
(4) The Customer may file an objection to the Company against the suspension of the use of the
Services or any other restriction on the use of the Services made pursuant to this Article in
accordance with the procedures set forth by the Company , and if the Company determines that the
Customer s objection is reasonable, it shall immediately resume the use of the Services by the
Customer .
18. Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
(1) In connection with the Services and the Assets , the Company does not provide any commitment
or warranty with respect to any matters not specified in these Terms of Use .
(2) If the Company cannot provide the Services due to bug, error, natural disaster, or other
comparable force majeure event, which is difficult to predict or avoid, the Company shall be
exempted from its responsibility to provide the Services .
(3) The Company shall not be responsible for any problem caused during the use of the Services
resulting from a cause attributable to the Customer .
(4) The Company shall not be responsible for any free use of the Services , unless otherwise set forth
under the relevant laws.
(5) In no event shall the Company be held liable for any punitive, indirect, consequential, or
incidental damages, or lost profits or other damages, expenses or losses in connection with the
Services .
(6) The Company shall have no responsibility for any problem or damage caused by the Customer s
use of the Services outside the scope specified in these Terms of Use , which shall be borne by the
Customer .
(7) If the Customer inflicts damage on the Company and/or a third party due to the Customer s
breach of these Terms of Use or a cause attributable to the Customer , the Customer shall indemnify
the Company and/or the third party for such damage.
19. Protection of Personal Information
The Company shall respect the Customer s personal information and handle it safely in accordance
with its Privacy Policy .
20. Notices to the Customer
(1) The Company may notify the Customer by email, in-app message, or push notification within the
Services , unless otherwise set forth in these Terms of Use .
(2) For all of the Customers , in lieu of such notice being sent pursuant to Paragraph (1) above, a
public notice may be posted for seven (7) days or longer on the homepage of the Services .
21. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
(1) Any dispute arising between the Customer and the Company shall be governed by the laws of the
Republic of Korea.
(2) Any dispute arising between the Customer and the Company shall be referred to a court having
jurisdiction over the registered address of the Customer , or (if such address is not available) a district
court having jurisdiction over the place the Customer currently resides at the time a claim is filed;
provided that if such address or residence is not clear at the time the claim is filed, a court of
competent jurisdiction shall be determined in accordance with the Korea Civil Procedure Act.
(3) Notwithstanding the foregoing Paragraph, for a Customer who has an address or resides in a
foreign country (i.e., outside of Korea), a dispute arising between the Customer and the Company
may be referred to the Seoul Central District Court in Korea.
22. Miscellaneous
(1) The Company may have separate terms and policies for use of individual Service . In the event of
conflict between the terms and policies for individual Service and these Terms of Use , the terms and
policies for individual Service , operation policies and rules shall prevail.
(2) If any provision of these Terms of Use is unenforceable, all other provisions of these Terms of Use
shall not be affected thereby.
(3) These Terms of Use replaces any previous versions and applies to the relation between the
Company and the Customer .
(4) Neither the Company nor the Customer may transfer any rights or obligations hereunder to a
third party without the consent of the other party.
(5) These Terms of Use are written in Korean and English. In the event of conflict between the
Korean version and the English version, the Korean version shall prevail.
Date of public notice: November 14, 2024
Effective date: November 21, 2024
Should you have any question in connection with the Services or these Terms of Use , please send
email to legal@kinemaster.com .
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: KineMaster, Spring, AniToon),
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(Google Play, Apple App Store
: 2024
: 2024
<End of Document>