● To use the Services without giving consent to these Terms of Use or without having the legal
capacity to consent to these Terms of Use ;
● To delete the watermark on the Customer-Created Work or the Member-Provided Work or
to obstruct the visual exposure of such watermark;
● To use an Asset for any purpose other than the creation of the Customer-Created Work or
the Member-Provided Work ;
● To use an Asset beyond the scope of the license specified in the description of the Asset ;
● To use any part of an Asset in a trademark, logo, service mark or design mark of the
Customer or a third party;
● To assign, share, sublicense or resell any part of the Services to a third party;
● To integrate any part of the Services into another program or product; or
● To create a Customer-Created Work or a Member-Provided Work that contains sexually
explicit expressions, expressions that discriminate against race, nationality, belief, gender,
etc., that encourages or incites suicide, self-inflicted injury or drug abuse, or that intends to
impersonate or falsify another person’s identity, or any other antisocial contents, causing
displeasure to other people.
12. Member-Provided Work
(1) The Member may upload Original Content and Customer-Created Work , in formats including but
not limited to images, videos, audios, animations, effects, and Projects , to the Services in accordance
with the procedures and rules set by the Company in order to provide them to the Company or
other Members .
(2) The Customer hereby represents and warrants the following with respect to the
Member-Provided Work :
● The uploading, use, storage, reproduction, modification, public transmission, display,
distribution, and creation of any derivative work, of the Member-Provided Work does not
infringe any third party’s rights, including the portrait right, right of reputation, moral right
and intellectual property right (for example, a full movie or season of a TV show shall not be
uploaded to the Services ), or violate any laws, including the Copyright Act, Trademark Act,
Personal Information Protection Act and Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising;
● The Member is a rights-holder legally authorized to grant the uploading, use, storage,
reproduction, modification, public transmission, display, distribution, and creation of any
derivative work, of the Member-Provided Work ;
● There is no pending lawsuit, application or other judicial or administrative proceedings that
may directly or indirectly affect the uploading, use, storage, reproduction, modification,
public transmission, display, distribution, and creation of any derivative work, of the
Member-Provided Work or affect the Customer ’s rights or power related to such uploading,
etc., of the Member-Provided Work ;
● If the Member-Provided Work contains any design element, font, clip art, vector or brush
tool included in a design program or is integrated in any way into a design program, the
Member confirms that the uploading or provision of such Member-Provided Work to the
Services does not violate the Member ’s end-user license agreement, general terms and
conditions for services, etc., and the Member shall also grant to the Company the rights
he/she acquires under the end-user license agreement, general terms and conditions for
services or license on the relevant program and the right to sublicense with respect to the
Member-Provided Work ;